Fall Essentials Plus Size Open Front Color Block Waterfall Cardigan (1X-3X)

My oldest daughter Hannah loves cardigan sweaters and it should come as to no surprise with her style. She loves to mix it up and the more color in something, the more she loves the item. When she had the opportunity to rock one of these out, she was pretty stoked.

Brightly LLC is a company that I have written about in the past. They offer exceptional customer service and a fast delivery for their product. They make sure that the product is smoothly ordered and delivered without an issue and that says a lot for this business.

When the cardigan arrived, it was wrapped in plastic, to ensure a safe delivery without any snags. I took this out and the material is nice and soft. The size was what I anticipated as well for my daughter. Once she seen this, she had to have it. She wore it to school the following day and received many compliments on this item. It was a huge hit with the teen crowd. This is a nice long sleeve cardigan, but thin to not be too warm. The colors on this go together very nicely. The front flows very nicely to take the attention away from the tummy area. When you look at stiching with this item, it is nicely done. The material is soft and has the potential for snagging. Hannah is usually a klutz when it comes to that and she hasn’t snagged this, so I don’t think it snags too easily. All together, this is a must have for any wardrobe. It can be used to dress up an outfit or just add some flare to your look.

This item is sold on Amazon.com for $28.74 USD on Prime. There are a variety of colors to choose from. For more information in regards to ordering this item or to read further reviews, please feel free to visit here.

This product was received at discount for the purpose of inspection and for an unbiased review.