Weight Gurus Smartphone Tracking Digital Body Fat Scale

Part of being successful in a weight loss program and monitoring your weight is having a good scale. With many out there, it can be tough to choose what will work for you and what won’t. For me, I am the type that wants to know every type of information. The more information offered to me for my knowledge the better.

I was recently offered a chance to look at a scale from a company called Greater Goods. This scale is both stylish and sleek. In my opinion, this is the king of all scales. This scale measures weight in four different metrics. It also measures weight, body fat, muscle mass, body water, and bone mass. I have never seen a scale offer that. With large numerals which makes reading this easy, the display has a nice blue indiglo backlight. Made out of glass resistant tempered safety glass it offers a low profile design. This scale has an eight user memory which is pretty neat as well, so it isn’t limited to just one user. There is something unique about this scale that I have never seen before, this scale has an app that can be downloaded for either IOS or Android. The backlit display offers a scannable code that you scan using your phone’s camera. Once scanned, this scale sends the information to your phone. 

The information sent to your phone is absolutely amazing. It offers graphs, progress, and in some ways, it offers some motivation. The ease of use with this is absolutely easy. When I first looked at this, I thought it would be a lot harder to figure out. The instruction manual is well written and makes it easy to figure this out. They also have a video you can watch at becomegurus.com/manual4 which also makes this scale easy to understand. The battery compartment is easy to access and takes only 4 AAA batteries which is something I like. The batteries will be easy to find. There is also a button on the back of this to toggle through the different 4 metrics this scale measures in. There are grips on the bottom of this scale in each corner which makes it secure on your floor. The backlit display is very bright and the large numerals are very nice.

This is truly a wonderful scale with all the bells and whistles. This product is sold on Amazon.com for $39.99 USD. For more information on ordering this item or to see what other reviewers thought about this, please feel free to visit here.

This product was received for the purpose of inspecation and for an unbiased review.